
Vier professionelle Skifahrer entdecken während der Reisebeschränkungen von Covid-19 ihren Hinterhof wieder und nehmen die beste Linie möglicherweise direkt hinter Ihrem Haus wieder auf. Denken Sie zweimal darüber nach, wenn Sie Ihr nächstes Abenteuer planen, es könnte gleich um die Ecke sein.

Movie data

Year of production: 2021

Country: Austria

Language: German

Length: 10 minutes

Directed by: Luigi Dellarole

Production: Hanno Schwab

Cast: Janine Tschanhenz, Curdin Cavegn, Carla Jaggi

Screenplay: Luigi Dellarole

Camera: Luigi Dellarole

Cut: Luigi Dellarole

Film direction

Luigi Dellarole

Luigi Dellarole is based in Innsbruck, Austria. He works on different kinds of videos, from documentary to commercial projects. The ones that speak most to him are the ones in the mountains, where he shares his own passion with his profession. His ultimate purpose is to carry those unique stories and moments to a broader audience with authenticity and a cinematic style. He is always seeking the next adventures and stories out there to capture with his lens.