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Belarus nach der Zerschlagung der Demokratiebewegung. Wie lebt man in einem Land, in dem die kleinsten Anzeichen von Protest brutal unterdrückt werden? Der belarussische Filmemacher Andrej Kutsila verleiht den Menschen eine Stimme, deren Hoffnungen auf Freiheit enttäuscht wurden, die aber den Mut und ihre Kraft nicht verloren haben.

Movie data

Year of production: 2021

Country: Poland

Language: Belarusian, Russian

Length: 72 minutes

Directed by: Andrei Kutsila

Production: Beata Krasicka

Cast: Not specified

Screenplay: Andrei Kutsila

Camera: Andrei Kutsila

Cut: Pawel Klepacz, Andrei Kutsila

Film direction

Andrei Kutsila

Filmmaker with over ten documentaries to his credit. In 2007 he earned a degree in journalism from the Belarusian State University, and two years later graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. He fulfils himself as a freelancer and works on television projects. In 2018 he won the IDFA award in the Best Medium-Length Documentary Film category for "Summa". From 2021 lives in Poland. His latest documentary “When Flowers Are Not Silent” got Best Documentary Feature Award at Warsaw FF.