The Transfer
Drei junge israelische Soldaten haben den Auftrag, einen Strafgefangenen in ein Gefängnis nach Megiddo zu überstellen. Die Stimmung ist angespannt, eine Annäherung zwischen den Charakteren scheint unmöglich. Als mitten in der Negev-Wüste das Fahrzeug stehen bleibt, geraten die vier plötzlich in eine Ausnahmesituation.
Movie data
Year of production: 2017
Country: Germany
Language: Hebrew
Length: 23 minutes
Directed by: Michael Grudsky
Production: Nina Poschinski
Cast: Ido Bartal, Imri Bition, Abeeb Safadi
Screenplay: Evgeny Sosnitski
Camera: Timofei Lobov
Cut: Michael Grudsky
Film direction
Michael Grudsky
Michael Grudsky, born in 1985 in Rostov on Don (Russian Federation), immigrated in 1993 to Germany. After his higher education entrance qualification he took up his studies of Film Directing at the University of Film in Munich and at the University of Cinematography (VGIK) in Moscow. Currently he takes part in the master program at Filmakademie Vienna in Directing class of Michael Haneke. During his studies Michael realised several short films as a screenwriter and director (like A Last Sacrifice 2013; Silow 2011; Stillleben 2010). He directed several theatre plays written by A. Tchechov (Uncle Vanya), M. Gorki (Cranks) and A. Ostrovsky (Dochodnoe mesto) and played as an actor in different plays, such as M. Bulgakovs Zoyka's Apartment and Tchechovs Ivanov.