Am Grat

Während einer Bergwanderung beobachtet Felix erstmals den körperlichen Verfall seines älteren Bruders Paul. Felix unterdrückt seine Zweifel und versucht einen Weg zu finden, seine Ängste mitzuteilen.

Movie data

Year of production: 2022

Country: Austria

Language: German

Length: 19 minutes

Directed by: Matteo Sanders

Production: Shoshana R. Aschauer, Marija Burtscher

Cast: Not specified

Screenplay: Matteo Sanders, Tobias Resch

Camera: Konrad Milan

Cut: Julia Sternthal

Film direction

Matteo Sanders

Matteo Sanders was born in Innsbruck in 1989. By winning 1st place in a short film competition in 2006, he met Barbara Albert who encouraged him to make films. Since then, he's been making his own short films, music videos and commercials. Since 2017 he has been studying directing and screenwriting at the Filmakademie Wien. In 2019 he studied a semester in Oslo, Norway, at Westerdals School of Arts, Communication and Technology and was an artist in residence in Paliano, Italy in 2021.