The Outlander
Im 16. Jahrhundert unternimmt der Elefant Süleyman eine lange Reise von Ceylon nach Portugal und wandert dann für fünf Monate den ganzen Weg von Lissabon nach Wien durch die Alpen.
Movie data
Year of production: 2018
Country: Austria, Portugal, Bulgaria
Language: English
Length: 5 minutes
Directed by: Ani Antonova
Production: Omega Films in cooperation with St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Cast: Not specified
Screenplay: Ani Antonova
Camera: Animation: Ani Antonova, Dimiter Ovtcharov
Cut: Dimiter Ovtcharov, Sound Design: Valeria Popova
Film direction
Ani Antonova
Born in 1986 in Chirpan, Bulgaria. Ani Antonova is a multimedia artist living in Vienna. She graduated Portuguese philology at Sofia University (2010, BG), Multimedia at “die Graphische” (2012, AT) and is currently studying Master in Experimental Media at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (AT). “The Outlander” (2018) is her first animation film and it was made between Portugal, Austria and Bulgaria in cooperation with the historian Dr. Annemarie Jordan Gschwend.