Ein junger Mann mit großen Bestrebungen setzt auf einen sehr neugierigen und einzigartigen Weg, um seinen Traum zu verwirklichen, ein Astronaut zu werden. Arbeitslos und mit seiner Mutter lebend, muss Rupert Madurski eine gute Balance in einer Welt finden, ohne Raumfahrer zu sein.

Movie data

Year of production: 2016

Country: USA

Language: English

Length: 18 minutes

Directed by: Christopher Oliva

Production: Caitlin Morris, Andrew Stegmeyer and Nick Schmidt

Cast: Scott Nelson, Angela Morris, Judy Rossignuolo-Rice, Tom McElroy

Screenplay: Christopher Oliva

Camera: Rob Dolan

Cut: Christopher Oliva (as Benedetto Salvatore)

Film direction

Christopher Oliva

Christopher Oliva is an award winning filmmaker from Chicago, Illinois. He's a producer, director, writer and freelance editor. When he's not editing to feed his stomach, he's teaching at the College of DuPage for the sole purpose of molding collegiate minds to be excited about cinema. Christopher received his MFA from DePaul University.