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Killer Spacemen From Outer Planet X

Drei mutige Forscher finden sich in einem unbekannten Territorium, als ihr Schiff ohne dringend benötigter Brennstoffquelle - Plutonium fliegt. Sie entdecken einen nahe gelegenen Planeten, der eine Fülle von Plutoniumreserven beherbergt. Folgen Sie ihrem Abstieg in das Unbekannte...

Movie data

Year of production: 2016

Country: USA

Language: English

Length: 16 minutes

Directed by: Peter and Thomas Campbell

Production: Peter Campbell

Cast: Ranin Brown, Sarah Kennedy, Dalton Slade Kimball, Patrick Molloy

Screenplay: Thomas Campbell

Camera: Phil Cormier

Cut: Thomas and Peter Campbell

Film direction

Peter and Thomas Campbell

Thomas and Peter Campbell are brothers from Cape Elizabeth, Maine. They co-write and co-direct all of their work; they both act. Peter received a BA in Music from the University of Southern Maine and is currently attending Columbia University to complete an MFA in Film Directing. Thomas also went to the University of Southern Maine, majored in Theater, and is now working professionally as an actor in New England. They are actively pursuing a life and career in film.