Der Wächter
Raffael (54) wird vom Jobcenter zu einer Security-Firma in der Gebäude-Bewachung vermittelt. Er lebt seit kurzem wieder bei seiner Mutter, die von der Pflegerin Vera unterstützt wird. Raffael scheint die neue Situation zu bewältigen, bis durch einen tragischen Zwischenfall alles völlig auseinanderbricht.
Movie data
Year of production: 2019
Country: Austria
Language: German
Length: 32 minutes
Directed by: Albin Wildner
Production: Bernhard Wenger, Clara Bacher, Sophie Sy, Albin Wildner, Albin Wildner
Cast: Rainer Wöss, Anna Tenta, Anton Noori, Gertrud Roll
Screenplay: Albin Wildner
Camera: Johannes Höß
Cut: Julia Willi, Lukas Meissner
Film direction
Albin Wildner
Albin Wildner was born in Vienna in 1983. In 2004 he graduated a highschool for media, photography and arts with a documentary film, shot in costa rica as his diploma-project. From 2006 till 2013 he worked as a graphic designer and as an independent cinematographer. During this period he did a two-year-course for systemic family constellation. Since 2014 Albin Wildner studies filmdirecting and cinematography at the Filmacademy Vienna.